King Charles III expresses heartfelt condolences for Chief Sir Julius Chan, celebrating his dedication and impact on Papua New Guinea’s future.

image of King Charles III and late Chief Sir Julius Chan of Papua New Guinea

King Charles III Pays Tribute to Chief Sir Julius Chan

Inside PNG

King Charles the III has joined many friends of Papua New Guinea overseas in sending his condolences messages following the death of Chief Sir Julius Chan.

In a messaged shared by the Government House officials today, an email was received from the Buckingham Palace with Kind Charles messages in English and “Pidgin”.

King Charles described Sir J as a dedicated public servant.

“His dedication served as an inspiration to many and I remember with great fondness meeting Sir Julius many times over his decades of service.”

Meanwhile his “Pidgin” message read;

“Mi na meri blong mi sorre tru long harim long dai blong Sir Julius Chan. Em wanpla trupla pablik sevant na emi givim laik blong em long bildim Papua New Guinea igo kamap wanpla strongpla, independent kantri olsem emi stap tete.

“Dedikation blong emi istap nau olsem inspiration blong planti manmeri, na mi tingim tu planti ol gutpla taim mi bungim Sir Julius taim emi wokim wok blong em long planti yia.

“Mi na meri blong (mi) salim bikpla sorre blong mitupla igo long famili blong Sir Julius, na long olgeta pipol blong Papua New Guinea long displa taim blong sorre igo long olgeta hap blong Papua New Guinea.”

image of condolence message from King Charles III to Sir Julius Chan

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