Papua New Guinea Nationwide Call for Prime Minister James Marape to Sack Minister Justin Tkatchenko.
Papua New Guinea Nationwide Call for Prime Minister to sack Minister Tkatchenko
by Samson Komati - Papua New Guinea Happenings Today.
1. Hon Belden Namah MP, Chairman of Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs/ Relations has called for Resignation of Minister JT.
2. PNG Trade Union Congress Secretary General Anthony Sekum has called on Resignation of Minister JT.
3. Hon Peter O’Neill MP, former Prime Minister has today confirmed his position that Prime Minister Marape should sack Minister JT.
4. Morobe Governor Hon Luther Wenge has called for resignation of Minister JT.
5. New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan and former Prime Minister has called for Prime Minister to sack Minister JT.
6. PNG Catholic Professionals Society has called for the sacking of Minister JT by Prime Minister.
7. Evangelical Lutheran Church of PNG Head Bishop, Dr Jack Urame has called for Prime Minister to sack Minister JT.
8. Opposition Leader Hon Joseph Lelang and Deputy Opposition Leader Hon Douglas Toumureisa have called for Prime Minister to sack Minister JT.
9. Many MPs and Ministers remain publicly tight lipped but confiding privately that Prime Minister should sack Minister JT.
10. Many influential bureaucrats and technocrats and business/ corporate executives agree for Prime Minister to sack Minister JT.
9. UPNG students have demanded Minister JT to be sacked by Prime Minister.
10. Porgera Landowners Group has called on the Prime Minister to sack Minister JT.
11. Samson Komati of PNG Think Tank Group has called on the Prime Minister to sack Minister JT.
11. Churches and NGOs are calling for Minister JT to resign or be sacked.
12. A Million people on social media (WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook) have called on Prime Minister to sack Minister JT.
If Prime Minister cannot sack Minister JT, we all regard Prime Minister as *Compromised, incompetent, very weak, indecisive and self preserving*.
National interest must be number one priority of the Prime Minister and not personal or political interests.
The entire nation is still waiting for Prime Minister to make a decision apart from the mellow “step aside” crap. We can’t and won’t buy crap from PM Marape giving foolish excuses like “let’s forgive JT.” We are not in the SDA Church or in a tucker box business, we the people of PNG demand PM Marape to be firm, tough, decisive, and protecting national interests.
Police investigations into the London UK trip will uncover how the K6 million was spent, who are the 31 people that used up the K6 million (that includes all expenses paid for by Foreign Affairs Ministry/ Dept for senior public servants and their husbands, wives, children, concubines, bodyguards, drivers, girlfriends, etc.), and whether any laws have been broken in this entire trip apart from the spoken words of Minister JT on ABC Radio.
PNG demands collectively for Minister JT to be (1) sacked, (2) citizenship revoked, (3) deported back to Australia now!
Samson Komati
PNG Think Tank Group
Phone/ WhatsApp: 71651482