The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELCPNG) has launched and dedicated the Lutheran University. The Head Bishop of ELCPNG Reverend Doctor Jack Urame officially launched and unveiled the Lutheran University of PNG logo in Lae, Morobe Province.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELCPNG) has launched and dedicated the Lutheran University.

Lutheran Media - Kristen Redio - The Voice Of The Gospel, 26th May 2022.

ELCPNG Launches Lutheran University

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELCPNG) has launched and dedicated the Lutheran University.
The Head Bishop of ELCPNG Reverend Doctor Jack Urame officially launched and unveiled the Lutheran University of PNG logo at the launching ceremony at Ampo, Lae Morobe Province yesterday.

Dr. Urame said, “We are very pleased to launch the university today.”

He said the university will have external campuses in some of the 17 districts of the church. This will be convenient for students to help lessen the burden of accommodation and food expenses.

Dr. Urame pointed out that, this institution is a contribution to the development of PNG where human resources and manpower will be produced.
He said the institution is still in its foundation stage.

The ELCPNG General Church Secretary Bernard Kaisom said the church would like to provide for those students who missed out on spacing for the tertiary institutions and for those who do not have easy access to a tertiary institution. Hence, the establishment of the institution.

The university is comprised of Martin Luther Seminary, Balob Teachers College, and Madang Lutheran School of Nursing.
Martin Luther Seminary Principal Doctor Michael Wan said the institution is currently operating on its own structure.

However, Dr. Wan said, they will make some adjustments whether be added, deleted, or arranged so that it complements the requirements of the Department of Higher Education Research Science and Technology (DHERST).

He said the university will start off with the three existing colleges first. Once they meet the standard of the DHERST, then the university will further add other schools and external centers.

Dr. Urame said the launching of the university is a collective job. He mentioned stakeholders who played a part in the establishment of the institution.
He acknowledged past leaders of the church, the government of PNG through the Marape government, the Morobe government, Pangu Party, institution staff, and church executives, communities, staff, some members of parliament such as the late Deputy Prime Minister Sam Basil, and other churches.

Mr. Kaisom further acknowledged Lutheran Church Partners overseas.
“On behalf of the church, I want to express my debt of gratitude to all those stakeholders for contributing and taking part in the whole journey to make sure that we get the university off the ground” Rev Dr. Urame said.

The launching was witnessed by more than 500 students, ELCPNG staff and their families, invited guests, Lutheran members, and the general public in Morobe.

Reported: Lutheran Media.

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