“My advise to young single mothers is that you never signed up for this life, but this child [children] you have never asked to be here. A life of a single parent is a life of sacrifices and love, you got to do everything out of love.” Rose Borre (Single Mom).

You are reading Solomon Aplas Motivation | 30 June 2021 | Sharing
true inspirational stories of success, real life experiences and quotes from different Papua New Guineans.


A single mother, who went through toughest time in life said do not loose focus. The moment you loose focus on the one important thing in front of you, you will destroy yourself and a good future that lies ahead of you.

Rose Borre, fell pregnant in 2003, until the biological father of her 16 year old son walked out of her life to be with his ex- girlfriend

“I was working as a receptionist at Milne Bay Estate In Alotau at that time.”

“I came to live with family, they supported me but I felt like I had to get up and support myself.”

“I was 24 when I had my son, my brother wanted to take my child but I couldn’t give him away. The only choice I had is to go home to the village because I was without a job.”

This is the story of Rose Borre. Rose hails from Morobe Province in Papua New Guinea.

She stayed in the village with her son for a year until he started walking then her family and friends found her a job in Lae then she moved to town.

Her son was about 4 going 5 when she took him under her care.

“My son stayed with my parents in the village till the organization that I worked for have me a hostel room to live in and I took my son back.

They went through some tough times in life, where they were kicked out of homes by her family and sometimes people would argue over food.

“All these things gave me strength to fight on above all I had Faith in God that our life is based on Jeremiah 29:11…I moved to Pom in 2011 from Lae I changed almost 5 jobs just to earn enough to support me and my son.

Despite the fact that life pulls her down, looking at her son gave her a reason to fight on.

“I worked hard, learned from some of the best in the Corporate field from just a receptionist I worked my way up to an Executive Assistant position.”

Rose hold college certificate and still yet to get that degree, which is something she look forward to.

“Looking back if I have lost hope, have self pity and gave up on life I wouldn’t be where I am now.”

Perseverance, and keeping the faith and good focus can take you from one place to another and can help you achieve your goals in life.

“Eventhough, I had relationships that turned sour but I never loose my focus, and that is my son and God the strength behind my success in life. I am not there yet, but I am no longer where I used to be.”

What is your advice to other single mothers who may have come through similar situations as you?

My advise to young single mother (s) is that you never signed up for this life, but this child [children] you have never asked to be here. A life of a single parent is a life of sacrifices and love, you got to do everything out of love..

Story Written by Solomon Aplas

Story and image supplied by Solomon Aplas Motivation
For more true inspirational stories of success, real life experiences and quotes from different Papua New Guineans, visit Solomon Aplas Motivation. Picture and story used from Solomon Aplas Motivation, Face Book Page. For more related stories visit papuaniugini.org.

Single mothers

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