Controller Manning issues 5 emergency laws.

Statement by SoE controller David Manning. | Tuesday 31st March, 2020 (Re-post from The Sunday Bulletin)
THE CONTROLLER of the State of Emergency and Police Commissioner David Manning has issued the first five emergency orders for the State of Emergency nationwide.

The five emergency orders for immediate implementation includes:

1. National Emergency Order No. 1 – International and Domestic Travel.

Details the point of entry to Papua New Guinea and travel restriction within PNG.

The order outlines the restriction and movement of persons, cargo, airplane, vessels, trucks and lists those that will come under exemption category;

2. National Emergency Order No. 2 – Business and social gatherings.

The second emergency order generally outlines the conduct of business operations and socials events in the country for the duration of the SOE.

This order provides for the controller or an authorized officer to implement necessary measures to maintain normal business operations and ensure social distance and self-hygiene practices are adhered to by all citizens;

3. National Emergency Order No. 3 – Provincial Coordination.

The third emergency order establishes the Provincial Coordination team and appoints all Provincial Administrators as the Authorized Officers according to the Emergency Laws.

For the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, the Chief Secretary of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville has been appointed as the Authorized Officer under the SOE;

4. National Emergency Order No. 4 – Continuance of public utility services.

The fourth emergency order directs that all essentials public utility services such as electricity, water, sewerage and garbage, postal services, telecommunications, fire service and motor vehicle licensing to take necessary steps to operate as effectively as possible during the national emergency period.

5. National Emergency Order No. 5 – Government employee protection.

The Controller further directs that all government employees; to continue being paid during the State of Emergency period.

Mr Manning said, “I, as the Police Commissioner and Emergency Controller, by virtue of the Emergency Regulation 2020 hereby issue these orders for immediate implementation and expect that they be adhered.”


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