The Wafi-Golpu Gold Mine Project has been Completed by all National Team and Handed to CEPA.

By Prof Ralph Mana | Union of Watut River Communities Association Inc.

I am pleased to announce to the whole nation today that the EIS IPR of the Wafi-Golpu Gold Mine project has been completed by all national team and handed to CEPA. This is the first time in the history of our young nation in which all national experts have scrutinized the K30million 7000pages EIS.

The entire process commenced in Nov. 2017 when I was asked by Hon. Member for Bololo and Governor of Morobe to do a presentation at Parliament of my work on Basamuk Bay and its implication on Huon Gulf.

Ever since then the process although was slow and tedious and with the understanding and wisdom of Sir John Pundari, CEPA MD and Wafi-Golpu Joint Ventures, the ball of knowledge and brainstorming started to roll…

Although I missed (was in Paris) the chopper flight survey of the mining corridor, it was the first stepping stone of the EIS review process.

Unitech was selected to administer the project under Dr. Gabriel Arpa-Head of Petroleum and Mining dept despite the fact that he was caught by surprise about this EIS IPR project.

As I said it was the first time for such a significant task to be bestowed upon the learned experts of this young nation to ensure that we accomplish the daunting task on time and at an exceptional standard. Needless to say we have come close to its goal.

The benchmark has been established and I hope other resource projects will follow the same path.

Finally, the outcome of the EIS review has stringent science-based recommendations that when the Environment Council does its deliberation on the report there will be more questions than answers for the best interests of our environment and its people’s welfare. Believe in Nationals.

God Bless PNG.


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