My dear Rai Coast citizens, please be advised that I’m not resting in a rocking hammock and sipping lemonade under a coconut palm tree by the beach. Nor am I living a “high life” and forgetting the law & order situation as some of you are alleging. As per my earlier post, the Rai Coast law & order issues are decade-old and complex. Inaction by past MPs has exacerbated the conflicts. I’m doing my best in just 3 days of being officially sworn in as an MP to deal with the issues. The only thing I promised our people during my campaign is “honesty”. And you will 100% get the value of “honesty” from me. – Kessy Sawang.


Kessy Sawang

My dear Rai Coast citizens, please be advised that I’m not resting in a rocking hammock and sipping lemonade under a coconut palm tree by the beach.

Nor am I living a “high life” and forgetting the law & order situation as some of you are alleging.
As per my earlier post, the Rai Coast law & order issues are decade-old and complex.

Inaction by past MPs has exacerbated the conflicts. I’m doing my best in just 3 days of being officially sworn in as an MP to deal with the issues.

The only thing I promised our people during my campaign is “honesty”. And you will 100% get the value of “honesty” from me.

Here’s what I did today:
▪ Meeting with partners for energizing our District using off-grid clean energy at community & household level;

▪ Meeting with PNG-Israel Jewish Council to discuss how we can utilize technology to address some of our development challenges;

▪ Meeting with Secretary Vaki, Deputy Secretary and an room-full of DIRD staff, discussing how we can improve development & service standards of our District;

▪ I was honored to have been invited by the visiting Foreign Minister of Australia Senator Penny Wong to meet her and discuss issues;

▪ Had good discussion with ACP Northern Command Peter Guiness about law & order issues;

▪ Communicated with CID Inspector Yalamu in Madang;

▪ Had discussions with various people in Rai Coast and Nankina area to gather intel and information;

▪ Liaised with DA to have at least 2 policemen from Madang sent to Saidor as the terror Hetwara gang are said to be mobilizing to attack Saidor Station;

▪ Researched and sought professional advice on how we can empower community resistant groups to protect their communities;

▪ Thought out plan of action and wrote article titled “Breaking the Cycle of Terror & Suffering” and posted on social media for your consumption.

Tonight, I’m documenting critical issues that I will ask relevant Ministers during the week, starting from my very first day in Parliament, so your voice can be heard in Parliament.

I don’t have a media officer, I write myself. I don’t have a driver, I drive myself. I do laundry, clean the house, go to shop or market and I cook myself. Here’s my simple dinner for tonight [fried kalapua].

Give some empathy.

2022 – 2027 is my watch. I need your prayers, love and patience. Judge me later.

Housing affordability in Papua New Guinea is beyond the reach of majority low-income earners. By housing, I mean both rental accommodation as well as home ownership. Greedy landlords have taken advantage of the unregulated urban real estate and rental markets to charge exorbitant prices, even for poor quality. We can talk about these challenges till kingdom come. Or we can take some course of action to help ourselves.- by Kessy Sawang
Ms. Kessy Sawang

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