Euodia is a woman of STEM, she studied in Papua New Guinea and Australia and holds a degree in Biomedical science and a Master of Public Health, a choice of study she felt personally drawn to after losing loved ones to infectious diseases. “This day means a lot to me now in my career because I use this day to reflect on other Papua New Guinea women in STEM, mentors that I’ve had, and the women scientists that have really progressed the field.”
- Euodia Mosoro.

Celebrating our own series: International Day of Women and Girls in Science - Inspiration from Euodia Mosoro of Papua New Guinea

Australian High Commission Papua New Guinea | 11 Feb. 2022.

This is Euodia Mosoro, she works at the Australian High Commission as the Senior Program Manager for the Subnational program.

Euodia is a woman of STEM, she studied in Papua New Guinea and Australia and holds a degree in Biomedical science and a Master of Public Health, a choice of study she felt personally drawn to after losing loved ones to infectious diseases.

“I really wanted to pursue a career in science to understand how these diseases occurred and return to Papua New Guinea to work on programs that support the health system to prevent these diseases.”

Growing up Euodia said she didn’t really like maths but once she reached high school, with the encouragement of teachers, her family, and friends, she found that she really did enjoy the subject after all.

Her encouragement to young girls wanting to pursue their study in STEM is to “Go for it!, ask as many questions as possible, there are no silly questions, only smart people.

Be curious and really reach out to different mentors, your family members, your teachers in school and your friends to really guide your path and guide your way.”

When asked what the International Day of Women and Girls in Science means to her, Euodia said “This day means a lot to me now in my career because I use this day to reflect on other Papua New Guinea women in STEM, mentors that I’ve had, and the women scientists that have really progressed the field.”

Euodia Mosoro - Australian High Commission of Papua New Guinea
Picture of Euodia Mosoro from Australian High Commission Papua New Guinea

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