O’neil Calls on Bird to Deliver for the East Sepik

By PNC 4 PNG Facebook Page | 30 November 2020.

FORMER Prime Minister and Leader of People’s National Congress (PNC) party, Hon. Peter O’Neill has called on East Sepik Governor, Allan Bird, to deliver for his Province rather than riding on Somare name.

“Governor, what have you done for East Sepik in your political carrier?”

Mr. O’Neill said his Government built hospital, roads, nursing college, part of the Divine Word University, bridges and arranged for the upgrade of Wewak airport.

He said Governor Bird will go down in history in East Sepik that he never really won the election but only with the Somare name.

“He is just another politician riding on everything he ride on including when O’Neill was in power. He was paid as a consultant at Planning for five (5) years.”

The former Prime Minister described Governor Bird as ‘parasite politician’.

O’Neill was responding to the Governor Bird’s Facebook post yesterday that read “O’Neill the master Magician”.

Bird posted on his Facebook wall and stated that “O’Neil was probably the most cunning PM we ever had”.

“He was a master magician, he will always point to the big, expensive, overpriced, and very visible projects.

Mr. O’Neill said he doesn’t care about what he (Governor) thinks and who he is.

“But good luck to him,” O’Neill said.


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