True inspirational stories of success of a Papua New Guinea man | Little is Much When God is in It! - A True Story of Mr. Siwi Kalayamu. Siwi attained education up to lower primary education. But today he is earning K200-K500 per day selling his products. Read and share his story to inspire other young Papua New Guineans.

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true inspirational stories of success, real life experiences and quotes from different Papua New Guineans.

Little is Much When God is in It - A True Life Story of a Papua New Guinea Hard Working Man.

I dropped out of school at grade 4. Not because I never wanted to be in school. It was because my mum and dad invested in my elder brothers and sisters so I had no choice but to be at home for they didn't have the finance to help me.

Life in the village is so difficult and yes, I do regret seeing my age group working in offices and living life beyond my reach.

Well, I didn't have much education but thank the Heavenly Father for giving me the gift of making cane baskets. It may not be much of a gift.

However, this reminds me of the two fish and five breads that Jesus blessed and fed 5000 people. Truly, "Little is much when God is in it."

With the gift of making cane baskets, I am able to make money that keeps my family going and also, I use the money to pay for my children school fees and that of other children who are not mine. I don't want any children left behind like me when I was a child.

As for me, I am grateful that even without school background, am able to make K200-K500 per day selling my cane products.

I believe many in the country didn't have the chance to make it through the education system. My advice to them is, don't look far for survival. You financial strength is hidden inside your God-given gifts and talents.

If you utilize your gifts, finance will never be a problem.

This is the story of Siwi Kalayamu

Written by Glen Burua.(Page Admin). Picture and story from Solomon Aplas Page.

For more true inspirational stories of success, real life experiences and quotes from different Papua New Guineans, visit Solomon Aplas Motivation. Picture and story used from Solomon Aplas Motivation, Face Book Page. For more related stories visit


true inspirational stories of success of Siwi from papua new guinea
Picture Mr. Siwi Kalayamu, photographer remains unanimous.


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