I never argue over simple phone conversations that my wife affiliated with. Having faith that one fine day will find out what was going on and being mute over, pretending as if everything is well okay. - Macxsie. True story of wife cheating husband and faced the consequences.

True Story of a Cheating Wife's Husband

by Macxsie Kultiye | Kultiye's Motivations.

My Wife Cheated and Had affairs With Another.

I was a young PMV driver of a bus route 100, going to and from Bialla_KIMBE highway when I left my home, IALIBU, SHP in 2010.

Got engaged to a fine pretty slim lady from Tambul Nebilyer, WHP in 2012.

Soon, we fell in love and got engaged. We both made promises to never leave each other no matter how circumstances arise. I Loved her very much and she also does the same.

Where ever I go, she used to check up by sending messages, calling and asking if I drive safe and to check my whereabouts so that I'm fine.

From time to time she promised to be with me for the rest of her entire life.

All I could do was to accept her as my better half. It was romantic, perfumed with pure joy and rhythm of happiness blossom our love that glows every day.

Caring was our first priority. Yes we did care for each other well. Whenever I need her help, she being always there to provide whatever I needed.

Soon after in 2014 she bravely came to my home to spend her entire life with me. That was when I thought she made a right choice to be my queen for the entire life so I wholeheartedly and warmly welcomed her. Introduced her to my family members. My relatives were happy because she just matched me and also she came from a good family background.

After couple of days passed by, I shared some encouraging pieces to her to be a wife material no matter what happens.

Telling her that our young days of being young wild and free has just ended soon after we got married. As a proud husband, I will play my role as a fatherly figure though we haven't bored any child yet. Knowing that you're my better half at home. I will provide food, shelter and household staff as we move on in our future endeavours.

As a PMV driver I will be out for work at 5;30ams and will be back at 7pms. Sometimes, due to passengers, it would likely for me coming home late or overnight away from home. Honey, now it's you gonna take full responsibility and authority as a wife and play your role to cater for the beautiful home that we dwell.

Check to see that your sisters inlaws are doing fine with their kids. Help them if they need your assistance. Care for the kids if they need to be looked after. Always humble and loyal to everyone to gain your dignity. Give them the beautiful smiles and greet them with warm love. For you're the part of the family now. It's all you can do to gain womanhood.

Weeks passed, months counted.

After 5months of our marriage life, slowly a bit of slight changes were noticed how she acted out.

Noticing that something might happen but I kept silent. Never argue nor quell over her. To be a mature man, I didn't complain over minor issues.

Sometimes when her phone rings, she used to engage the calls when I was present. When she noticed text messages, she used to read them secretly and delete them. Keeping her conversations confidentially.

I never argue over simple phone conversations that my wife affiliated with. Having faith that one fine day will find out what was going on and being mute over, pretending as if everything is well okay.

One day, I was diagnosed with Malaria. It took almost a week but survived through medication.

Things started changing.

From that moment when I was sick, she had to look for her wantoks and friends, she usually comes home in the late afternoons instead of paying closer attention to me when I was sick.

One morning she left, saying that she will be visiting her parents. By that same day her parents called me to pay a visit too, at their residential area for a special dinner and overnight there.

Though I didn't recover well, called my beautiful wife to wait for me to catch a PMV together but already left for Kimbe town.

I never mind calling her again but had caught a PMV and headed to my in-laws' home. Thinking that my wife was already there, but never.

There they were my in-laws slaughtered 2 life chickens and were preparing the dinner thinking that we both (couple) would arrive, but never, accept I myself turned up.

The father called his daughter's cell phn, phone rings but never answered. Mother called but also no answer. No one seem to answer the calls. Finally I called and her phn went off. All our attempts to reach her had failed.

I knew it was something wrong but I pretended, saying that she might be at home and didn't charge her phn.

In the early hours next morning, I said goodbye to my in-laws and caught a PMV bus and bound for home. I thought she was at home, but never. I called her, she picked up the phone.

"Hello?" She was there answering.

Honey come home please I've got a message for you to relay to your parents.

She replied saying that her dad had sent her to town to buy a bag of rice for the family, without realising that I was overnight with her parents, even she wasn't there last night. I insisted her to come home before she leaves.

While she was on her way, I gathered all my relatives, my elder brother and my sisters, saying that I was quite suspicious of my wife flirting with someone and yet keeps myself low and mute over it.

Once she arrived, I humbly asked her where she was last night.

She replied, " I was with my parents and they sent me to buy a 20kg bail of rice to cater for the family".

Without knowing that I was the one with her family last night. Again i questioned her. " Where were you when your father and mum called last night?. Influx of countless messages gone but not reply?".

She then got up and said she overnight with her aunt. But her aunt denied that she was lying. I insisted her harshly to admit the fact where she was last night.

Her strength melted, her heart beats faster than normal. With sweats all over, she admitted that she had overnight with one of her boyfriends having affairs. He was one of a male nurse in KIMBE general hospital and also from WESTERN HIGHLANDS PROVINCE.

That very moment my anger built up. My temper overwhelmed me thinking of vomiting it upon her for committing adultery. But swallowed the guts of the burning anger, slowly walked towards her shook her hand and said thankyou very much for saving me and telling the truth.

Even she was very filthy without having a bath in the morning from her overnight affairs.

I was brave enough to made a wise humble decision , stood firm for what is right and just, got up and shook hands with my wife and said, " my lovely wife, I've told you every good things about real facts of marriage life. You've done what is best for you. I am humbled. I did what was best by providing food, gave you money to start an informal market for your personal needs but yet you use those money for other purposes. I had provided little to cater for our young marriage life for almost 5 months now but it seems nothing to you. I'm sorry, please forgive me if I had done something wrong that triggered you to go out partying. I never lay any of my hands over you nor slap you neither bash you up from our past months that we were together that triggered you to go, it was your own will.

Our journey is too young, without boring a child, without experiencing what marriage life is all about. So now you've made your decision, you've made your choice to choose whom to be with you.

Because, Pipia PMV driver you les na painim wokman blo gavaman so em inap olsem.

Your well-being and rights reserved is being served forthwith rightfully to be with him so you may leave in peace. For you to come back will NEVER be tolerated. (Go blo u em Dua open, tasol kambek blo u em sore tumas, Dua lock! "

Few days later, both my relatives, the lady's family and her one night_stand partner, all had a mediation. Every actions of those two perpetrators of causing adultery has confirmed by themselves admitting it and I got up and said, " Now I am humbled, I have a clear conscience that it was not the preparator's fault even though it was adultery.

My understanding states that it is the lady who had instigated all these. No matter how hard I feel, I have to let go what is not meant for me. Having said that later on I became the best buddy of the man who caused adultery to my wife.

The behaviour of let go of what could affect my entire life and forgiving their guilt was the best ever decision that I made..


A real man never hurts a woman.. never attacks a woman.. Never argue for small issues.. digest the burning angers.

Never hold onto things that is not meant for you.You'll never be good enough for the wrong people regardless of how hard you try to make them understand you. Be bold and move on, time doesn't wait for anybody. You deserve better and need people who think you are good enough just the way you are.

Instead, find a move on...

One day they will realize how worth you are when you shine above the storms..I never argue over simple phone conversations that my wife affiliated with. Having faith that one fine day will find out what was going on and being mute over, pretending as if everything is well okay. - Macxsie. True story of wife cheating husband and faced the consequences.

Was one of my life experiences that I'm sharing to inspire and motivate those who always face #gender_based_violence..

Story and experience expressed by; Macxsie Kultiye ..

Pleasant reading and may God bless you all...


Macxsie Kultiye


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2 thoughts on “True Story of How His Wife Cheated on Him and the Consequences”

  1. The best way to avoid a psychological breakdown after experiencing or having to deal with infidelity is to make sure you are not just assuming your partner is cheating, don’t say they are cheating until you have gathered proof of their act, confrontation without evidence is just unacceptable. I contacted (cyberexpositors at gmail dot com) when i was in the eye of the storm with my now Ex wife, i saw all her mails, whatsapp messages, kik and even pictures she exchanged with her lover, but it was easier at the end really, having proof helps a lot.