Alois told his story to encourage other Papua New Guinea university and college graduates who are looking or searching for jobs. Alois was prepared to start his career as a simple tea-boy if given the opportunity. Fortunately, he was accepted to work as a security static guard with the Black Swan International. Currently, Alois is working as an Aviation Security Compliance officers. “Although time is a healer, we can’t buy time, we only spend it. We can’t own time, we can’t bring back time. Start somewhere, sooner is better than later or forever.” – BAlois.

"Start Somewhere" - True Story of a Graduate of the University of Papua New Guinea Who Stared His Career as a Security Officer.

by Baune Alois (Ulkine) ULKANE - BA Political Science, Aviation Security Compliance Officer. After I completed my studies at the University of Papua New Guinea in 2016, I couldn't find a job. I tried all I could and couldn't find one, though I had an email account, to be honest I didn't know how to have my email signature on, nor how to attach my scanned files/documents either. Because of the lacking of such simple computer knowledge and its usage, I had to "improvise". Every job I applied for, I had to run a "hand- delivery". After some thousands of applications delivered, I finally thought myself on how to use email through YouTube tutorial videos. Some countless applications had been sent and yet no single reply came back. May be because of my poor format of CV structure, English usage or whatever reasons were, I know quite well that my marks (GPA) would speak for itself but it turned out to be not working to me. Then, in late 2016, I joined my father and my Highlands brothers to smuggle betel nut and mastered (buai daka). In the informal sector, market is different and you all know, but to smuggle betel nuts and mastered was illegal at that time. You have to run neck to neck with the men and women in blue (cops) to bring a bag or two into the city for sales. I finally told myself, I had to start somewhere, even if it means to me to be a tea boy, I already decided to take it on board, with encouragements from my parents. Until, late in 2017, I got my self into a firm, a security firm and worked as a security static guard with the Black Swan International. Working as a security was absolutely GOOD. As time passed by, I created a Facebook account which I used now, then I got myself familiarized with people, especially families. Slowly, but surely with constant prayer, seeking God's providence and guidance things turned out to be falling in place. Finally, with the help of a father (currently a CEO of state agency), I was one of the fortunate Graduates being selected to be part of the National Airports Corporation Graduate Development Program. Now I am serving the state through the aviation industry as an Aviation Security Compliance officers. My Point here is, Although time is a healer, we can't buy time, we only spend it. We can't own time, we can't bring back time. Start somewhere, sooner is better than later or forever.

- Baune Alois

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Baune Alois (Ulkine) ULKANE - BA Political Science, Aviation Security Compliance Officer


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