The Office of Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea is the people’s office! The nation needs to see CORRECT statements and ADDRESSING OF Real ISSUES on those statements. Don Polye.

“The Prime Minister’s Media Statements Be More Mature, Rational and Less Discriminatory” – Papua New Guinea Politics.

U Tok | By Don Pomb Polye

Good morning Papua New Guinea

We do acknowledge and see the points PMJM has raised. We appreciate it.

But whoever is doing the Prime Minister’s media statements to be more mature, rational and less discriminatory.

1. There must be no darmacation or discrimination between old leadership and young leadership!!! Immature and insensitive this statement is! Quality world leaders present and past in the global community do not speak such rhetorics. Neither youthfulness is not and has never been used as a measuring yard for wisdom, love, righteousness or quality leadership.

Such rhetorics put on the PMJM ‘s statement is not necessary and withdraw from statements in the future. Such statements serve no political or socioeconomic purpose. It’s certainly NOT good for PNG politics.

The Bible does not support discrimination between young and old leadership. There is enough stories in the Bible of leaders of all ages used by God without discrimination. What we do know is the assessment of leadership whether it is good quality or bad quality leadership.

Youth leadership doesn’t necessarily give wise leadership nor older leadership give poor quality leadership. To talk like what I find in the PMJM’S media statements, whoever writes up those statements for him is chauvinism and right wing neo Nazi fascism.

There is no such thing as youth supremacy in the IQ or wisdom of man in PNG like there is white supremacy in other countries. Such statements to be included in the PMJM’S speeches or media statements are NOT fitting and proper for Prime Minister to release to the demography of this nation.

I have statistics to prove my point! Look at for example, the years beginning 2002 to the year 2014 in terms of economic performance of PNG in the World Bank’s Website ( world bank economic performance of individual countries).

A much older person in the Grand Chief Sir Michael Thomas Somare …, became Prime Minister and led from 2002 to 2009 . I took over as Treasurer in the O’neill Namah Government to around 2014 when i Ieft protesting against poor ( stupid and corrupt) business decision of the former government.

See the clear Performance illustrated by line and bar graphs with corresponding GDPs depicted for that period!!! Then compare to the 2010 to 2018 period when a much younger man in the Hon Peter Oneill took over as Prime Minister. The GDP growth plummeted and corruption index sky rocked…beginning 2015! ( I left as Treaurer in 2013/2014).

See the point? Younger or older leadership is NOT the issue!!! SO I urge PMJM media person NOT to write illogical farce and NONSENSE HERE on PMJM’S Media statements.

Issues for the Government to defend and attack on the opposition are crystal clear!!! Embark on real issues on those debates with the opposition.

Otherwise please talk to Chief secretary, chief of staff or some savvy officer in the Prime Minister’s Office to emoy quality speech and media statements writers.

The Office of Prime Minister of PNG is the people’s office!!! The nation needs to see CORRECT statements and ADDRESSING OF Real ISSUES on those statements

Source: U Tok.

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