The Papua New Guinea Parliament demonstrates strong support for Prime Minister James Marape’s leadership

The Papua New Guinea Parliament overwhelmingly voted 84-0 in favor of Prime Minister James Marape on a motion expressing confidence in his leadership. The motion, moved by the leader of Government Business, faced objections from opposition MPs but proceeded to a vote, prompting a boycott from the opposition. After the outcome was announced, the opposition MPs returned to the session. Prime Minister Marape thanked the MPs for their support and emphasized the importance of maintaining order in parliamentary proceedings. Despite the vote, a motion of no-confidence against Prime Minister Marape is still under consideration, pending legal deliberations.

The PNG Parliament Votes Overwhelmingly in Favor of Prime Minister James Marape

In a resounding show of support, the Papua New Guinea Parliament voted 84-0 in favor of Prime Minister James Marape on a motion without notice moved by the leader of Government Business, Renbo Paita.

The motion, which expressed confidence in Prime Minister Marape's leadership, was met with objections from opposition MPs who cited concerns about its compliance with parliamentary laws and standing orders. Despite their protests, the motion proceeded to a vote, with Parliamentary Opposition MPs choosing to boycott the meeting.

However, following the announcement of the outcome by the acting Speaker, opposition MPs returned to the session.

Image of Papua New Guinea Parliament boycotting the parliament session when majority of the government mps voted infavor of prime minister james marape.
Image: PNG Sun | Members of the Opposition Boycotting the Parliament.

In response to the vote, Prime Minister Marape expressed gratitude to the MPs for their vote of confidence, stating, "I commend the Members of Parliament for having confidence in me."

Regarding the opposition's boycott, Prime Minister Marape emphasized that parliamentary proceedings are governed by numerical support, acknowledging the importance of maintaining order and fairness in the process.

Addressing the conduct of parliamentary sessions, he praised the acting Speaker for ensuring meetings are conducted without bias or favoritism, urging MPs to engage in constructive dialogue without resorting to disruptive behavior.

Despite the overwhelming vote of confidence, the motion of no-confidence filed against Prime Minister Marape remains on the parliamentary agenda. The matter is currently subject to legal deliberations, reflecting the ongoing political dynamics within Papua New Guinea's government.


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