Jacky was forced into womanhood by her mother and not long after she committed suicide. This is a true story written and posted in 2019 by Simon Rainje. The story may be outdated but the cultural values, traditional laws and practices are binding in many rural parts of Papua New Guinea that can be reflected.

In this story we see that the traditions and cultural opinion of Huli people is good in a sense to protect girls and keep them pure and mature when getting married.

However, modernization and western influences affects  the frame of every culture and demands change of worldviews and mind sets of the people.

The actions of mother and the members of community who supported her actions can be considered very aggressive and primitive leading to the loss of her daughter.

It is better to uphold the cultures and traditions of our society but at the same time parents and member of the community must treat their children with the understanding of modern lifestyles and its influences on their children.


By Simon Rainje(Posted in 2019)
Jacky, not her real name, is about sixteen years of age from Negeria village just about five (5) km before crossing over Tagali bridge to Nogoli.

I've known this girl, her siblings, mother and father for almost two years. Jacky has an elder sister who is almost her size and four (4) boys after her. Jacky is a very hard working girl, she attend to daily routine duties of early morning and afternoon pulling pigs on ropes to the Bush and back.

Jacky even help her mother to carry big string bag full of epamiopatate (kaukau) from Negeria to Nogoli for her mother to sell.

Jacky is like an elder in the family and even like a mother, prepare food for her siblings. As a young girl, she had a relationship with a young boy from Juni.

One afternoon, Jacky and another girl accompanied their boy friends, telling stories and walking towards Juni road, before passing Oil Search gate, they farewell their boyfriends and return back to Nogoli market.

Jacky's mother must have seen them so upon their return, she shouted on them, shaming them when there were many people gettering for the evening market.

Other family members also shouted on them and forced them to go to their boy friends houses. Jacky and her girl friend try explaining that they were only telling stories, they did not do the actual thing (sexual intercourse), Jacky pleaded to her mother to go for medical check but to no avail.

So in Huli culture, such shameful attacks in public warrants action, so in this case, Jacky and the other girl went straight to their boyfriends' house that very evening.

Jacky, who has never experience sleeping with a man was forced into womanhood that evening by her very own mother. She stayed with her boy friend's family for almost a week and time to time she comes to Nogoli market just to see her mother and relatives as she is not quite use to the new environment.

Jacky misses the presence of her family, especially her mum so keeps coming to Nogoli market just to see her mother but her mother, instead swears at her again and again in the public, she begs her mother not to swear and defame her character in public.

Jacky can't take anymore of her mother's insult. On Sunday 10th of February 2019, that early morning, Jacky came back to Nogoli market knowing that her mother will be attending church service.

Upon meeting her mother, she received the same treatment again in the eyes of the public, Jacky cried and told her mother,

"Why na yu mekim kain olsem long mi long ai blong ol public, mi tok tru long yu tu olsem mipla go long medical check tasol yu no harim tok blong mi, ok em orait"

those were her last words to her mother and with tears in her eyes, crying, she ran towards Tagali gravel pit.

That was the last time Jacky turned her back on her mother and walked away forever. She was found dead hanging on a tree.

No one would have known or found her body but a cat was on that tree that she hung herself and was meowing which alerts some passerby who found her. She was long dead.

End of a youthful life for a priceless motherly love.

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