Coach Wayne Bennett Eyed Young Unitech Graduate and Papua New Guinea Kumul Back Rower Roderic Tai to Sign a Full-Time Contract with Redcliff. Tai’s NRL dream is a step away.

Coach Wayne Bennett Eyed Young Unitech Graduate and PNG Kumul Back Rower Roderic Tai to Sign a Full-Time Contract with Redcliff - Pathway to NRL.


by PARKER TAMBUA, The National Sports - Rugby League Romantics - 08 June 2023.

Tai’s NRL dream likely

PAPUA New Guinea Kumuls back Roderick Tai is likely to sign a full-time contract with Redcliff Dolphins National Rugby League side but details are yet to be confirmed.

SP PNG Hunters coach Stanley Tepend said yesterday Dolphins coach Wayne Bennett had retained Tai after the completion of his initial four-week train and trial stint with the side.

Fellow Hunter Morea Morea, who was invited by the Dolphins for a four-week train and trial arrangement, returned to the SP Brewery-sponsored side after his stint in Brisbane.

“Morea Morea has been sent back but Roderick Tai is still in Brisbane with the Dolphins,” Tepend said.

“There is some good signs there with Roderick and they (Dolphins) might sign him.

“It’s not confirmed yet, I will let you all know next week but they might sign him because that’s what Wayne Bennett said.


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