Life is not easy. Some young people paddle by canoe just to arrive in school. Some walk across fast flowing rivers just to be in a classroom. And some even climb mountain tracks just to get a chance to learn something. Below is the inspiring story of Solomon Hombiku of Papua New Guinea. Solomon is now studying for his masters in Software Engineering in Poland University of Technology. Read his simplest life story below.

You are reading Solomon Aplas Motivation | 12 June 2021.

Life is Not Easy – Inspiring Story of Solomon Hombiku. From Village Life in Papua New Guinea to Poland University of Technology.

Many young people will agree with me that growing up in the village, life is never easy if you have a dream to one day step out and be somebody. Here is the story of a young man who grew up in Yangoru, in East Sepik province, Papua New Guinea.

“Back in primary school days, sometimes without bus fares, I walk five kilometers from school home.”

Life is not easy. Some young people paddle by canoe just to arrive in school. Some walk across fast flowing rivers just to be in a classroom. And some even climb mountain tracks just to get a chance to learn something.

“Since my parents were middle income earners, I have to accept the fact that sometimes, eating a sago in the morning with coconut is just enough to keep me going for the day.”

Growing up in the village, many young people lose motivation because there are lots of circumstances that will go against anyone who wants to succeed. All in all, sacrifice is what pay the price.

“My greatest motivation was to work hard in school and make my hardworking parents happy.”

My dream of studying geology got crushed the moment I missed out on Science FOUNDATION in UPNG. I then got computer science in Divine Word University(DWU) .

“Was it a smooth journey ? I would say no.”

Two times I was nearly suspended from school as I was drunk. I thank our heavenly father he saw me through all the tough situations. I then made it to be the SRC president of DWU in my time.

This is the story of Solomon Hombiku.

What is your advice to others who might be going through the same struggles you went through? I asked him.

My advice is to always put GOD first. I am not perfect, but God saw me through. On the same token, whatever village you come from, keep on keeping on, and one day you will see your dreams becoming a reality.

Solomon is now studying for his masters in Software Engineering in Poland University of Technology.

It’s not where you came from that really matters but where you are going.

Keep on keeping on !


Author: Glen Burua (Page Admin)

For more real life stories and inspirational quotes from Papua New Guineans, visit Solomon Aplas Motivation. Picture and story used from Solomon Aplas Motivation, Face Book Page.

Inspiring Story of Solomon Hombiku
Solomon Hombiku

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