Nepotism Concerns In Papua New Guinea Public Service Appointments

Allegations of nepotism in Papua New Guinea’s public service appointments have surfaced, with concerns raised about government ministers favoring relatives for senior positions. Minister Niningi defended his nephew’s representation of the State, stating it was permissible. Opposition Leader Tomuriesa criticized the appointment of Debra Sungi, daughter of a minister, as acting CEO. Tomuriesa also questioned the use of Niningi’s nephew as an outside lawyer, citing concerns of nepotism and transparency. Calls were made for public service appointments to be based on merit and transparency.

Read the full story below:

THE PNG NEWS PAGE James Tuguru · · MINISTER for Justice and Attorney-General (AG) Pila Niningi says his nephew was representing the State even before he took up his post as AG. He said his nephew and principal lawyer for Jema Lawyers, McRonald Nale, represented the Government on several occasions. Niningi said this following a claim by Opposition Leader Douglas Tomuriesa that Government ministers were influencing appointment of senior management in the public service and granting favours to their own relatives. Niningi yesterday said: “As soon as I became the AG, I wrote to the Chief Ombudsman on Feb 23, 2023 declaring that Nale is my nephew and asked whether it’s proper or not for him (Nale) to continue representing the State. The Chief Ombudsman wrote back to me on March 21, 2023 and said it was no issue for him (Nale) to continue as he had been representing the Government even before I became the AG.” In a statement this week, Tomuriesa said the appointment of close relatives of Government ministers to senior management positions in the public service undermined the operations of the public service and had the potential to cause great resentment among long-serving and more experienced officers within the service. He was referring specifically to the recent appointment of Debra Sungi, whose father is the Public Service Minister Joe Sungi. Debra is now the acting chief executive officer for Climate Change and Development Authority. Similarly, Tomuriesa pointed out the engagement of Nale, as an outside lawyer to prosecute cases on behalf of the state. He said this was in contravention of rule No. 12 of the professional conduct rules that prohibits appointment of a blood relative to act on his behalf as a lawyer. “Furthermore, the use of an outside lawyer who is a blood relative instead of using the Solicitor-General is not only very costly for the state but also reeks of nepotism and furthermore is contrary to the moral standards of decency and transparency,” Tomuriesa said. “All appointments in the public service must be above board and be based on merits.”
MINISTER for Justice and Attorney-General (AG) Pila Niningi, The National.

Repost: James Tuguru -THE PNG NEWS PAGE

MINISTER for Justice and Attorney-General (AG) Pila Niningi says his nephew was representing the State even before he took up his post as AG.

He said his nephew and principal lawyer for Jema Lawyers, McRonald Nale, represented the Government on several occasions.

Niningi said this following a claim by Opposition Leader Douglas Tomuriesa that Government ministers were influencing appointment of senior management in the public service and granting favours to their own relatives.

Niningi yesterday said: “As soon as I became the AG, I wrote to the Chief Ombudsman on Feb 23, 2023 declaring that Nale is my nephew and asked whether it’s proper or not for him (Nale) to continue representing the State. The Chief Ombudsman wrote back to me on March 21, 2023 and said it was no issue for him (Nale) to continue as he had been representing the Government even before I became the AG.”

In a statement this week, Tomuriesa said the appointment of close relatives of Government ministers to senior management positions in the public service undermined the operations of the public service and had the potential to cause great resentment among long-serving and more experienced officers within the service.

He was referring specifically to the recent appointment of Debra Sungi, whose father is the Public Service Minister Joe Sungi.

Debra is now the acting chief executive officer for Climate Change and Development Authority.

Similarly, Tomuriesa pointed out the engagement of Nale, as an outside lawyer to prosecute cases on behalf of the state.

He said this was in contravention of rule No. 12 of the professional conduct rules that prohibits appointment of a blood relative to act on his behalf as a lawyer.

“Furthermore, the use of an outside lawyer who is a blood relative instead of using the Solicitor-General is not only very costly for the state but also reeks of nepotism and furthermore is contrary to the moral standards of decency and transparency,” Tomuriesa said.

“All appointments in the public service must be above board and be based on merits.”

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