Sir Mekere may never have built many roads and infrastructures but he made few reforms like our superfund reforms that is presently returning dividends to our economy 20 years on.Prime Minister James Marape.


The SUN Of Papua New Guinea | 02/09/2019.

This morning former Prime Minister and Opposition MP for Moresby North-West, Sir Mekere Morauta joined the Marape-Steven Government ranks in a new twist of political development.

His movement comes in the wake of PM Marape who bluntly wanted the members of PNC party to move voluntarily to the Opposition bench to avoid the shame of being sacked.

Last week he sacked Deputy PNC Party leader and Planning Minister Richard Maru. However, the party resolved to remain in government. Former PM and party leader Peter O’NEILL and Maru were moved later to the government back bench.

Bulolo MP Sam Basil was moved to the Planning Ministry again to replace Maru from Treasury where Kavieng MP Ian Lingstucky replaced him.

Last week, four other MPs from the Opposition also defected from their bench and joined the government.

Picture by Hon. James Donald


PPrime Minister James Marape speaking on the occasion when former PM Sir Mereke Joined the Govt today

No one has all solutions to human problems and needs but we can do our best endeavors learning from past failures and achievements going forward .

Sir Mekere may never have built many roads and infrastructures but he made few reforms like our superfund reforms that is presently returning dividends to our economy 20 years on.

We have much work to do, Peter O’Neill and past PM’s have tried their best in the circumstances they were in, I am now in the jump seat, I can only do my best and my best will not be possible without harnessing best talents within the context of political and policy congruence.

My government will rise beyond political parties, beyond ethic divides, beyond religious divides and get a team who want to put PNG’s interest ahead of sectoral interests.

Some key public service and board positions will be advertised so people are appointed on merits instead of association.

For the rest of you out there, next year we will put special support for businesses , don’t sit back talking down genuine foreign investments but pick up a spot in business and get your hands dirty and work.

We pointing you all to agriculture, tourism, fisheries, sustainable down stream logging , manufacturing and industries, plus other areas any innovative Papua New Guineans want to venture into.

For Papua New Guineans who are already in business, please tidy your books I want you to grow bigger and better into the future do long as you can incubate other SMEs and micro SMEs.

Rome was not build in a day but a thousand years , we don’t have thousand years but we will work for the better taking lessons from the last 44 years.

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