The rise of women of our own kind. Role Models for Young Papua New Guinea Girls. Our society is filled with both good and bad influences. The changes are senses catching and thus distracting the generations to lose focus on better goals. Dear young girls, before it is late, the decision for your life is in your hands. All these seductive attraction sprees are here to stay but they will likely break your life than make. Be a girl with standard and not a leaf on the water tossed by waves. Settle down, see successful women of your own kind as role models, take education seriously and come out from the highest level with qualifications.Marshall’s Views.

Role Models for Young Papua New Guinea Girls

by Marshall's Views
-Role Models for Young PNG Girls-
Once upon a time they were another simple ordinary Papua New Guinean girls born and raised in this multi-cultured beautiful country during the era when the advocate for gender equality and participation was not as vigorous as today. And opportunities for females to succeed were minimal.

Culture took precedence and therefore women and girls were then seeing as household materials deemed to be dominated and used by men as they wish and required by culture. Men perhaps had the upper hand and so many prestigious modern opportunities in terms of jobs and education were grabbed by men.

Society has been fast changing and past has now remain a history. Our country has come a long way. Despite the challenges and obstacles some people especially women have managed to make it in life while others not. Seeing our women and girls successfully rise to the pinnacles of their professional careers is mesmerizing.

They may not be our tribes/clans women or immediate or extended families but they are our country women whom we also should take pride in.

While many women and girls have raised to the challenge, just this week two have emerged in two of some biggest organisations in the country.

From left, the Papua New Guinea Chamber of Mines and Petroleum appointed Mrs. Taueni Sialis as the Chief Operations Officer for the Organization.

Meanwhile, Barrick Niugini Limited; a mining giant also appointed another female; Ms. Karo Maha-Lelai as Country Manager for the company in Papua New Guinea.

While I (a gentlemen) admire and take pride on these two females and many others like Dr. Yalina’s achievement, I also would encourage every young PNG girl to see them as role models. You may not replicate them but their story can inspire you to pave and earn your own.

Our society is filled with both good and bad influences. The changes are senses catching and thus distracting the generations to lose focus on better goals. Let us remind ourselves that what we see, hear, feel and taste will either directly or indirectly have impacts on our lives.

While the society is pushing for gender equality, many women and girls are now taking the fight as opportunity to spend time, effort and resources indulging into other ill-activities such as extra-marital affairs, drinking, smoking, clubbing and unproductive social media dramas.

All these looking sweet and attractive. Many young girls idolize such and are so into it too.

Dear young girls, before it is late, the decision for your life is in your hands. All these seductive attraction sprees are here to stay but they will likely break your life than make.

Be a girl with standard and not a leaf on the water tossed by waves. Settle down, see successful women of your own kind as role models, take education seriously and come out from the highest level with qualifications.

Earn a job or create your own and grow with it, appreciate those who invested in you, make your own decision, find a good father for your children and build a better home to create next better generation of Papua New Guineans.

If other women can do it, you can do it too.

The opportunities are available but the challenge is in your hands to take.

I Hope a country men or women is inspired.

Otherwise, massive congratulations to the two females elevated to their new roles.

Let us all speak to inspire our next generation of females.

Marshall's Views

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