By Bryan Kramer | 06 December 2020

This afternoon Charles Abel posted Namah-O’Neill Opposition confirming they now only have 55 Members locked up in Crown Hotel.

Abel said the Vanimo Coalition today, Sunday 6th December 2020 had 55 MPs including Governor Peter Yama.

“All 55 have signed the Wutung Call To Action (WCTA). Will be a 2 page spread in both daylies on Tuesday and Wednesday on the current economic situation and WCTA series of responses to the crisis.” Anel said.

My Response:

With 110 Members in Parliament, this means an even split of 55 remain in Government and 55 in Opposition – with the Speaker who is on the Government side with a deciding vote, giving the Government 56 votes.

While the Opposition will say they have Members in the Government camp, with whom they are in secret talks with and expect to cross in the eleventh hour, the Government camp is saying the same.

Numbers aside, the Opposition will fail to move a successful vote of no confidence.


Right now the only thing keeping the Opposition Members together is that they agree to change the Government. What they have been avoiding, and can’t agree on, is the nominee for the alternative Prime Minister.

Food for thought: in May 2019, the then Oppostion camp had over 65 Members. There were three candidates bidding for Prime Minister: James Marape, Patrick Pruaitch and William Duma.

Duma pulled out, and it came down to Marape and Pruatich. Duma backed Pruaitch, who went on to be the nominee.

However, with 65 MPs strong and in less than 24 hours from deciding on the alternative Prime Minister, the entire camp collapsed.

Today, Crown have 55 MPs with five candidates bidding to be the alternative PM.

Newsflash: what do you think will happen when the Crown camp decide on an alternative Prime Minister?

Nominees within Crown have already discussed exit strategies with the Lolotata camp, should they fail to secure nomination.

Right now, the Government has nothing but time and the Crown camp have to not only secure a majority of MPs, but need to keep them aligned up to the day of the vote. Which is likely to be April 2021.

Some people never learn…


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