The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Hon. James Marape announced his Cabinet line-up today, and they swearing-in at the government house in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.


Marape - Rosso Government 2022 | 23 Aug. 2022.

THE Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Hon. James Marape just announced his Cabinet line-up and the allocations Ministries are as follows:

1. James Marape – Prime Minister & Minister for Planning.

2. John Rosso – Deputy Prime Minister & Minister for Lands Physical Planning & Urbanisation.

3. William Duma- Minister for State Enterprises.

4. Ian Ling Stuckey- Minister for Treasury.

5. Soroi Eoe – Minister for Provincial & Local Level Government Affairs.

6. Rainbo Paita – Minister for Finance & Implementation.

7. Richard Maru- Minister for International Trade & Investment.

8. Justin Tkatchenko – Minister for Foreign Affairs.

9. Don Polye- Minister for Higher Education ,Research,Science & Technology & Sports.

10. Solan Mirisim- Minister for Works & Highway.

11. Pila Niningi- Minister for Justice & Attorney-General.

12. Walter Schnaubelt- Minister for Transport & Civil Aviation.

13. Kerenga Kua- Minister for Petroleum & Energy.

14. Jimmy Uguro- Minister for Education.

15. Joe Sungi- Minister for Public Service.

16. Salio Waipo- Minister for Forest.

17. Henry Amuli- Minister for Commerce & Industry.

18. Peter Tsiamalili Jnr- Minister for Internal Security (Police and CIS merged).

19. Dr. Lino Tom- Minister for Health.

20. Kobby Bomoreo- Minister for Housing.

21. Jason Peter- Minister for Community Development,Religion & Youth.

22. Timothy Masiu- Minister for Information & Communication Technology.

23. Jelta Wong- Minister for Fisheries & Marine Resource.

24. Win Daki – Minister for Defence.

25. Esi Henry Leonard- Minister for Tourism,Art & Culture.

26. Aiye Tambua- Minister for Agriculture.

27. Sekie Agisa- Minister for Livestock.

28. Francis Maneke- Minister for Oil Palm.

29. Joe Kuli- Minister for Coffee.

30. Bryan Kramer-Minister for Labour & Immigration.

31. Ano Pala- Minister for Mining.

32. Simon Kilepa – Minister for Environment,Conservation & Climate Change.

33. Minister for Bougainville Affairs- Nil.

Note: No MP has been allocated this ministry yet but will be announced later

The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Hon. James Marape announced his Cabinet line-up today, and they swearing-in at the government house in Port Moresby, PNG.
Marape-Rosso Government, Papua New Guinea.

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape today announced the appointment of his full cabinet. The line-up reflected experience, continuity, and regional balance. The PM said Members of Parliament were chosen carefully from a pool of talented and capable leaders in government.

With almost all portfolios distributed to all provinces, Prime Minister Marape said there are also a number of key features of the National Executive Council which reflected his thoughts about the priority agenda for the government to pursue.

Speaking after the swearing in ceremony at the Government House today, PM Marape said the greatest demonstration of the government’s priority is in the make-up of the Cabinet.

"This is where the various ministries deliver to us outcomes that are of the highest priority in our country. It clearly shows the strong intention to ensure that priority activities are given the required prominence in the NEC appointments.

In the last one week we worked on reconfiguring the NEC structure to demonstrate the priorities of the government in terms of how the government should perform its tasks, and to place specific emphasis to important functions that reflect the key agenda of the government and its coalition partners.

We are moving away from just going with the usual NEC structure, and wanted to ensure that the NEC make up clearly reflects our priorities,” he said.

The Prime Minister also used the opportunity to review the performances of agency heads and seek to find the right mix of political leadership to augment and compliment the appointed leadership.

“Because this is a continuing government some Ministers have been reappointed which reflects their talents and their strong performances in the last Cabinet. We are incredibly privileged to be in a position where a large number of our Ministers have been re-elected back into Parliament, and available to continue as Ministers in this government,” said the PM.

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