Alumni Leading Change: Papua New Guinea Australia Alumni Association (PNGAAA) Empowering Communities

Discover how members of the Papua New Guinea Australia Alumni Association (PNGAAA) are driving positive change in their communities! Read about their inspiring efforts to contribute to social and economic development in PNG through education and collaboration. Learn more about the Australia Awards Scholarships and how they are empowering emerging leaders.

Australian High Commission’s representative Penny Morton met with the PNGAAA Manus Chapter executives - Papua New Guinea Australia Partnership

(Picture: Australian High Commission Papua New Guinea - Australian High Commission’s representative Penny Morton met with the PNGAAA Manus Chapter executives.)

In a heartening display of dedication to their communities, members of the Papua New Guinea Australia Alumni Association (PNGAAA) are leveraging their expertise and knowledge to drive social and economic progress across Papua New Guinea (PNG).

The PNGAAA serves as a dynamic network of scholars and professionals who are committed to sharing insights and actively engaging in initiatives aimed at fostering PNG's development. With a shared vision of empowerment through education and collaboration, these alumni are making significant strides in various sectors across the nation.

A recent visit by Penny Morton, representing the Australian High Commission, to Manus Island provided an opportunity to witness firsthand the impactful work being carried out by the PNGAAA Manus Chapter executives. During the visit, discussions centered on the innovative ways in which these alumni are utilizing their skills and expertise to drive positive change in their respective communities.

Many members of the PNGAAA are recipients of Australia Awards PNG scholarships, highlighting the invaluable role that education plays in nurturing future leaders. The visit also served as a platform to announce the opening of applications for Australia Awards Scholarships for study in Australia in 2025. These scholarships present emerging Papua New Guinean leaders with the opportunity to access world-class education and transformative experiences in Australia.

For those aspiring to become Australia Awards Scholars, detailed information can be found on the Australia Awards PNG website ( This initiative underscores the commitment of the PNGAAA and its partners to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to drive sustainable development and create a brighter future for Papua New Guinea.

Through collaborative efforts and a shared commitment to excellence, the PNGAAA continues to serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration, embodying the spirit of progress and community empowerment.

Join the movement. Be part of the change.

PNG-Australia Partnership


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